Let's Dedicate This Post to Ron
Two things happened this week that are of great importance--one is awesome, the other is depressing. Let's take the bad news first. My mother called me on Sunday to tell me that my oldest niece's father had been killed. This is really awful news. Ron was a nice guy and a good father. Unfortunately, most people will always connect him with being the first homicide in Philadelphia in 2010. A homocide investigation is ongoing, but there's been no news I don't really understand how *anyone* justifies killing someone. I hope the police catch the suspect(s) and that justice is served.
This reminds me of a stupid slogan that was bandied around during the late 1980s-early 1990s: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Let's ignore the fact that this is a stupid slogan and revise it a bit: "People with guns kill people." Still not great, but it's certainly better than the NRA schpiel about guns not killing people. Every American knows there are too many guns on the streets of our cities. We've all heard the reasons people carry guns: to feel safe, to get respect, to defend their property... None of those reasons are good enough for me. The average person doesn't need a gun unless they hunt. And we know the statistics of how often guns in the home are not used to protect against burglars and home invasions but are used in crimes of "passion" and domestic violence. We also know there are way too many illegal firearms, that in many states it's too easy to gain access to firearms and that some banks are dumb enough to give rifles to new customers (now if that doesn't scream "rob us!" I don't know what does)...
But I digress...my sister Lisa and her daughter Mecca are in mourning. Ron's wife and family are in mourning. No one knows the motive for Ron's murder. But this is just another instance of the violence that has become a part of life in the US. I hate the fact that Ron's children have lost their father. I hate the fact that Ron is dead and he was only 42. I hate the fact that the person or people who did this are probably hanging out somewhere bragging about what they did.
So Ron...may you rest in peace, and may the person or person who ended your life be caught, tried and serve their time. And may they feel remorse for their actions.
Now...what was the other thing that happened? I turned 40, which according to some magazines is the new 30. All I know is that I am fantabulous.