Sunday, November 01, 2009

The time is now... the name of my new Nanowrimo novel. I started writing it around an hour ago. I am already at 1000 words so I am off to a good start. Yup, 1000 down, 49000 to go.

Yesterday I wrote a stellar post--I talked about writing and my Nanowrimo soundtrack and then I posted my top ten list of scary films with links to the original trailers--and then my broadband conenction went a bit insane and stopped working for a while and I lost the entire post. I am not going to try to repost it. I should have written it in Word and then cut and pasted it here...but in hindsight everything is apparent....

So now I am in the midst of Nanowrimo. As I said, the word count so far is 1000 words...

Will post another update tomorrow. :)

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