Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Final Nanowrimo Update

Well, alas, another year of Nanowrimo and my brilliant plan for finishing on time went to hell in a hand-basket the moment I left for the US.  I ended up with 35,000 words written. I am still working on the first draft because I want to finish something this year. Luckily, I really like the story even if it doesn't make much sense right now. I figure it will become sensible once I've finished the first draft and revised it.

Don't know when it will be finished,  but I hope I am done with it by the end of December. My goal is to finish it by Christmas Eve. Then I can begin revising it during the new year. 

That's it for now! 

1 comment:

Margaret said...

That's still a fantastic presentation! Can't wait to read the finished product one day ; )