Saturday, January 05, 2008

It's January...did you make any resolutions?

A long time ago I decided I would stop making resolutions at the start of every year. Why? I never keep them. Or I forget I made them. Or I decide they were stupid resolutions to begin with and find something far more interesting to do instead.

This year I haven't made any resolutions. Instead, I have simply decided to continue with what I started last year. So what did I decide last year? Well, I decided to take up my Italian lessons again--a wise decision, I think, since I really enjoyed studying Italian and Tord and I spend so much time there. I have already looked into lessons and found some that start in two weeks.

Something else I decided last year was to repaint my hall. I was supposed to start painting a week ago but I spent more time running errands than picking up paint. I've got it pencilled in my calendar now--buy paint on Monday--and the hall will be a lovely shade called "oregano"--ooh, still Italian. Do all roads lead to Italy?

Next on my list, finish the first draft of 2007's Nanowrimo novel. That should be done fairly soon. I like the story, even it's a bit schmaltzy. I don't care. As I said in a previous post, I like pop fiction and I like love stories--even the sappiest ones can make me happy. Will this road lead to Italy--well, there is a writers' conference there in September...mayhaps I will have it revised in time for it...?

Other decisions from last year...? Yeah, the driver's license decision. Still haven't got far with that one. Could be that I have developed motion sickness lately. I feel nauseous when I am in a car too long so maybe it's better traveling by foot or public transport. We'll see... :)

What else...? I have started ridding myself of clothes I never wear anymore. No point in keeping them if they've been hanging in my closet for more than two years and I have never worn them. Going to get rid of some shoes I no longer like or wear anymore, plus some old bags I bought many moons ago and have more than served their purpose. Out they go. Ditto goes for anyone and anything that makes me feel negative. Out they go. I don't have time for putting up with that anymore.

Anything else...? Ah yes, start treating myself to massages, manicures and pedicures more often. That should be easy to continue with. I deserve it.

Right--next decision--must stop writing this now because it's soon time to start preparing dinner. And Tord has requested corn-fed chicken roasted in butter, onions, lemon, garlic and a wee bit of olive oil. I made it yesterday. He loved it so much, he wants it again. No problem. It's easy as pie!

Off I go! No resolutions, just continuing with everything from last year.


Unknown said...

I'm off resolutions, too. Who needs another reason to feel bad about themselves?

Anonymous said...

No resolutions for me yet. I just want to get back to Sweden!