Sunday, November 15, 2009

And today...

...I passed the 25000-word mark in Nanowrimo. And my story suddenly shifted from Philadelphia to Los Angeles, which I hadn't expected since I am not particularly fond of LA. But then again, my experience with LA is over twenty years old...

So yes, my main character, Kyra, is now in LA, getting ready to interview the man who was once the love of her life. She is not sure how she feels about it. She wonders if seeing him again will rekindle the spark between them or if they've both changed so much they won't remember why they once loved one another.

We'll see where the story goes...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And now at the start of week two...

...I have made it to 15000 words of my 50000 word "opus". I am pretty pleased though I still don't really know where my story will go. I am just enjoying the ride--a ride that is taking me from Philly now back to Philly in the 1980s. I have to rummage through my brain for some memories of what happened back in the mid to late 1980s. I remember the MOVE siege and the destruction of an entire neighborhood, Mayor Goode...Bill Greene figures in there somewhere too. Zipperhead... Tower Records opening on South Street... Abe's...yes, that must be there too... Rock Against Racism show on Penn's Campus... Spring Fling....hmm... a lot to add. 

So if anyone else from Philly is reading this, drop a line about your memories of Philly from the 80s. Remind me of things as I take a stroll down that lane called Memory.

By the way, there are many Smiths references in this book. Who knew my main characters would be such Morrissey lovers?

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Yet Another Short Update...

As of now, I have 11,500 words. If I make it to 15,000 today I will be pleased, but I can settle for 13,500 too. It all depends on if my wrists start hurting. Plus, I need to check in with my mom, part of my Sunday ritual. I am sure I will hear lots about the transit strike in Philly. I wonder if it will be like last time--Philadelphians got so used to the strike that people didn't seem to care anymore that SEPTA was no longer available. I was there for about a week of the strike. My hubby and I would walk into town from 40th Street every day (which we always do anyway when we're in Philly) and muse over how many others were out walking and seeming to enjoy it.

Time to get back to my Nanowrimo masterpiece. So to the rest of the Nanowrimers out there: yay us! Let's keep the words flowing! :)

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Another short update...

As of 10PM last night, I have written 4088 words. The story is rambling, not very structured but I can see where I want to go so that's a good thing. I have to remind myself to write and not edit. Which is difficult. I usually do both at the same time. Or I try to make it perfect the first time around so that the revision process isn't so time-consuming or painful. 

This time I am just writing and I don't care what it sounds like. I don't even read it after I reach my quota. I keep telling myself I won't read it until 1 December but that sounds rather unrealistic. I will probably begin reading it already this weekend...

Monday, November 02, 2009

A short Nanowrimo update

As of last night, I've written 2500 words. I wanted to write more but my hands and eyes were tired. Going to aim for 2500 more words tonight. 

Not sure where story is headed but I like it so far.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

The time is now... the name of my new Nanowrimo novel. I started writing it around an hour ago. I am already at 1000 words so I am off to a good start. Yup, 1000 down, 49000 to go.

Yesterday I wrote a stellar post--I talked about writing and my Nanowrimo soundtrack and then I posted my top ten list of scary films with links to the original trailers--and then my broadband conenction went a bit insane and stopped working for a while and I lost the entire post. I am not going to try to repost it. I should have written it in Word and then cut and pasted it here...but in hindsight everything is apparent....

So now I am in the midst of Nanowrimo. As I said, the word count so far is 1000 words...

Will post another update tomorrow. :)