Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Hedgehogs Think It's Spring But I Beg to Differ

The hedgehogs here in Sweden have ended their hibernation. Since the daytime temperatures have been higher than normal (9 C instead of -5C), they think it's spring. Tulip shoots have sprung up in my apartment building's garden. Even some of the plants on my balcony are looking a wee bit greener. I, however, find it hard to believe it's spring when I still feel just as sleepy as I did when winter first began and I am cold all the time.

The past week has been hectic. A lot of work and not enough time to do the things I'd like to do. I haven't even had a chance to go to my Ki-Balans/Yoga passes. Well, tomorrow looks to be a slow day so I think I'll go to the lunchtime Ki-Balans session. Then I'll have lunch at Como and go home and get some writing done.

But I really do wish it were spring--then I'd know that summer is just around the corner. I don't even know why I bother longing for summer when fairly often Swedish summer is extraordinarily disappointing and marked with rain, rain and more rain. I guess I am tired of wearing heavy winter clothing. It would be nice to be able to go for a walk without having to wind a scarf around my neck. I long for a day or two when I can wear sandals.

So here I am, looking at another gray day in Stockholm and longing for sunshine and heat. Maybe it's time to plan a trip to Italy.


Karen said...

I wish I could visit Italy again! I was in Torino when I was 18 - too young to really appreciate it I think.

If you do go, please think of me.

Kim said...

I most definitely will! :) I'll even send you a postcard. We haven't decided yet where we'll go but I am gung-ho for Italy and sunshine--the doldrums of Stockholm and rain are driving me wiggy!