Thursday, February 14, 2008

John Mayer said his girlfrind's body was a brain is not a is sandpaper...

This has just not been a good writing week for me, which is driving me crazy. On Monday, I wrote a list of scenes I need to write or revise. I figured this was the best way to make some progress. I actually started two of the scenes--and I told myself, "Piece of cake! You'll have them whipped into shape by Thursday!"

I forgot I had deluge of translations I'd agreed to work on this week. They began streaming in late Monday afternoon. The first batch was six three-page documents, which didn't take so long to finish. Tuesday was more of the same--seven rolled in, one of which was a ten-page transcript. I finished the short texts on Tuesday evening after I had dinner with my Novel Underground chicas. The transcript was a bit trickier--I had to proofread/revise it a few times and managed to send it off yesterday morning. Then I went to Kista to teach...came home, found five more texts in my mailbox, worked on them yesterday afternoon; then three more arrived just before 18:00. Gack! Finished those this afternoon.

So then I decided I would write but my brain felt like sandpaper...still does! Have I written anything? Not reallty. Just three paragraphs...

Must get better. My brain must become a wonderland...must become a wonderland....

I need more yoga.


Karen said...

Writing is harder than most people think, isn't it? Because it isn't just the idea you need. You need the time to think, create and shape...and revise.

When "real life" gets in the way, a week passes and you realize you haven't written anything! I have a lot of trouble with time. I'd like to be like Walter Mosley - he says he writes 3 hours a day. That's all. But it's 3 uninterrupted hours, so a lot gets done (obviously, since he's so prolific).

I wish you luck with your writing next week. I hope it's a better week for you.

Kim said...

Most people assume writing is as easy as pie. I even forget sometimes how difficult it is. But it's one of those things I can't be without... :)