Thursday, September 14, 2006

Celebrating Rejection

Karin, who is my SWG writing buddy, and I made a pact a few weeks ago: to send five query letters pitching our novels to agents in the States and the UK. We aren't naive--we know agents receive hundreds of queries every week from people just like us--all asking the same thing: read my novel!

We knew the chances of getting a request for more straight off the bat were slim-to-nil so we decided we'd celebrate every rejection letter we received. How shall we do that? Glad that you asked--the first one to receive a rejection letter buys the first round of drinks at Belgo Bar, the first one to receive a rejection letter with positive feedback stands for the snacks. Sounds like a good deal, huh?

Well, this week we both receive rejection letters. Karin received hers first (on Monday, I think); mine turned up yesterday. At first, I was a little dismayed to receive a rejection letter but that spurt of negativity only lasted all of five minutes. Then I thought, Wait, now I have even more time to revise! Yay! Besides, right now I am testing the waters to see if any interest could be there for my novel while I finish revising it and start writing my new book.

So we celebrated our joint rejection with Chimay beer (for me) and white wine (for Karin). We then discussed what is our next plan of action. We still have four letters floating around out there. I have already found another agent to pitch my novel (working title: Second Skin), as has Karin. Neither of us is remotely depressed--we're keyed up--ready to send out even more letters. We're also looking into attending some writers' conferences. Until then, we have our writers' retreat in October.

A toast to rejection letters! Bring on the Belgian beer! Stir those martinis, baby!


Karen said...

Chimay is a wonderful beer to celebrate with. And it's nice that you have a friend to do it with.

I'm sorry about the first rejection, but I'm glad you aren't being negative about it. This is a long, tough process and I wish you a lot of luck.

Kim said...

Thanks, Karen! :) I feel pretty good about it. I know that one day I will find an agen. And until then, I will celebrate with Belgian beer! :)